i'm not in the mood to be out of bed this morning
i'm not in the mood to pay $400 to go to utah to visit my family in august
i'm not in the mood to drive on the same road as women who have their seat too close to the steering wheel and have BOTH hands at 12 o'clock
i'm not in the mood to check my email and see an empty inbox
i'm not in the mood to have my good friend be mad at me because he misunderstood something i said
i'm not in the mood to clean my messy room
i'm not in the mood to see that i rely too heavily on spell checker
i'm not in the mood to answer my boss' phone
i'm not in the mood to look at my bank account balance
i'm not in the mood to look in the mirror today... ignorance is bliss
i'm not in the mood to eat cherries that i paid almost $6 for and find out they are all sour
i'm not in the mood to blog today
i'm not in the mood to be out of bed this morning... oh wait i already said that one... looks like i figured out my problem today!
13 years ago
Quite the opposite from your last post, would you not say?
I love PMS. Also, bi-polarism.
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