Thursday, June 08, 2006


for real dude... enough already... i can't take it anymore. i'm ornery all the time and it's all because of you!

did you know that whenever you come, there is a small drip that goes from the second story awning to the rain gutter just below it and it makes the loudest drip that only rivals a cannon going off, making it hard to sleep at night?

you make it miserable to drive
you make it impossible to stay dry
you make my otherwise do-anything hair, frizzy and flat
you make me stay in doors with three very active children... eek!

you make the flowers grow and the green come alive and that's great but you also make the horrible shrubbery that grows in front of my window climb out of control. what shrubbery, you say? you know, the one that my landlord refuses to trim... to get rid of, because it does a fairly good job at hiding just how ugly our house really is, yeah that one.

you have no right to steal away our spring. true we did have a fairly mild winter, but did you realize that we suffered through one of the hottest summers to date, last year? that the winter before that was nasty-cold? come on, give us a break... all we are asking for are a few beautiful days of warm sunshine, without 100% humidity, and a light cool breeze that brings in the wafting fragrance of the ocean. is that too much to ask?

come on dude... i need me some VITAMIN D!!!

you runied my day off yesterday! i was planning on going to the ocean with a good book and a blanket and have some great ME time. nope... forget it. you, peggy, must be forced to stay within the confines of four walls and a few windows to look out and see me literally "raining on your parade." that's just not cool... NOT COOL!

yes, i do love you... don't get me wrong. in fact in the middle of august when i am lying in bed in a puddle because it's 87 degrees and still 80% humidity at 10pm... i will be calling out your name. i will be praying for you to come and save me. i promise i appreciate you, that i love you... but i need to be honest with you, because i care about you... you're like a distant relative that has come to visit and just won't go away and just when we think that you are packing your bags to leave... you decide to stay just a few more days. and it' s heartbreaking.

PLEASE, all i'm asking is for a few weeks... no correction... a few months of missing you. i know our relationship will be a lot better if you were to go away for a while. no offense.