Tuesday, February 27, 2007


she took pride in her pizza shop
the best in town.
in her day customers came and went
but there was this one customer
he liked her pizza and ordered all the time
the same order... never anything different.
sometimes it made her laugh
other times she was annoyed
but, patiently, she made him his pizza
the way he liked it... because she cared.
"your pizza is the best in town" he'd say
"the most perfect pizza i have ever tasted!"
she always answered the same
"nah, nothing special... but i do care...
maybe that's what you taste."
months and years went by
each day she hoped that when he would come
he would try something new
but alas... it was never to be and she knew it
one day... she hopefully asked...
"what'll it be today?"
hoping, wishing that the order would surprise her.
as he handed her his order ticket
she winced.
her heart sank
she knew it was time.
quietly, she went to work
putting all of her love into this pizza
she took her time;
smiled to herself as she remembered all of
the other pizzas she had made for him
good times, good memories.
as he turned and walked out the door
she slowly followed him
held the door for him as he left
watched him until she couldn't see him any more
she pulled the blinds, shut off the light
and locked the door.
"it's time for a new shop," she whispered
and her tears hit the pavement as she walked away.


Rachel said...


ju said...
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ju said...

wow peg, that's deep. not like, deep dish, but deep nontheless.

Mary said...

why pizza? were you just craving it at the time you wrote this? cuz i'm craving now that i've read this.

Lady Bills said...

dude- im always craving pizza! plus... i make a mean pizza... it's true ask anyone!

Jeje said...

Wow. Yeah, that's all I can say. That and, I get it.

Linda said...

This says SO much!! granted I've been in group therapy all day, but seriously! I really think I connect with this. But I'm going to put it out to the rest of the group. Why didn't she just give him something he didn't order? Is it more worth it to close the shop?

So many questions.

Colleen said...

I love this post so much I can't stand it.