Friday, March 16, 2007


holy crapola THE SHINS concert knocked my socks off!!! i love them so much.

boy did they ever rock those skinny jeans (personal side note: i don't like men in skinny jeans- sorry aaron- too girly for my taste). which now that i'm talking about it, i was definitely not EMO enough for all of the cool kids that surrounded me. and now that i'm talking about it, we looked like grandmas at this concert with all of the brace-faces and can't-grow-a-beard-yet dudes. and now that i'm talking about it, i love that brooke can totally not be "done-up" and still get hit on. and now that i'm talking about it... i loved that they played some of my favorite hits:

they started off with sleeping lessons from their new album "
wincing the night away." so good, so so good. then we all got to clap along to the opening bit from "kissing the lipless." some other favs included: st. simon, so says i, australia, phantom limb and pink bullets!

just some good stuff. one of the best concerts i've been to in a really long time.

lot's of good things to remember-
the he/she standing by themselves dancing to their own band
the fish-net crack
the boring opening band that wasn't feeling the boston love
the air-horn
that really cute guy that was like 10 years old
my baked potato with EX-tra sour cream
brooke's "bag search"
linda, morgan and 4 other people standing the ENTIRE time while everyone around them took a break


Linda said...

amen and amen to all you say!! I had to stand cuz mop head there wasn't going anyplace, besides, you STAND for the Shins!!

Colleen said...

I'm in love with hot 10 year olds.

Oh, wait.

I forgot your blog was public.

Likely said...

I'm with you on the skinny jeans. Not so cute. I am also not fanning on the large oversized jeans.

Can we please have an Oprah for boys:

85% of the male population is wearing the wrong sized-jean. Let's get some fitting in place.