Wednesday, October 24, 2007


most of you have heard talk about my long lost driver's license and the drama that has come of trying to get it back. i would like to announce that yesterday i did indeed get my license back!!!! YAYAY!

and then...

i met up with a friend for lunch. we were about three blocks from the downtown RMV (or DMV to those out in utah) at a chinese restaurant. i ate, i laughed, i told stories. then lunch was over and this friend and i walked up the few blocks to the park street station to head home. i opened my backpack, to show said friend my new driver's license when BOOM- wait a minute- where's the folder???? where's the bloody folder??? i stand up and leave the friend in the dust as i race back down the street, praying my heart out the whole way, to the restaurant only to have a very frustrating conversation with the lady behind the counter who does not speak english-- trying to ascertain whether or not she has seen the folder... nothing but a vacant expression. PANIC!!!!

not only did this little folder contain the item that has kept me from being a real person for the last month... it also contained the following items:

~ original birth certificate
~ social security card
~ a gas bill with my address
~ sheet music for one of the songs that i try out with
~ my resume
~ my picture
~ AND- 3 checks yet to be cashed totalling $1500 that i desperately needed

i immediately started crying and freaking out. i didn't know what to do. i got myself outside onto the street and with boogers oozing out called my dad who had to translate crying garble into english so that he could tell me what to do next. with all of his patience and love directed me to do the following things:

~ go back to the RMV and see what you need to do to get another driver's license
~ call everyone that gave you a check and tell them to stop payment and reissue
~ call police to file a report
~ check to see if you are breathing
~ call the social security people to report a stolen card
~ wait for me to see if i have a duplicate of your birth certificate
~ calm down

so with tear filled eyes i re-entered the RMV... got my number and resigned myself to waiting yet another two hours for the 71 people in front of me to be helped first. i found a place on the floor and began calling all the necessary people about the checks and in between sobs told my tale.

then all of a sudden a woman comes out from behind the counter and announces that the computer system has shut down and they will no longer be able to help those who have come for a list of reasons. she did not list my reason... relief filled my heart as i watched all but 6 people leave the building. at this point i found a bench to sit on and two minutes later i felt a hand on my shoulder... i looked up and it was none other than my HOME TEACHER! i started to cry as i realized that Heavenly Father was taking care of me. dane was so sweet to sit with me and hold me as i cried. then the woman from behind the counter came over to me and asked what was wrong, heard my story and allayed my fears that i wouldn't be able to get another copy without all of my other documents (birth certificate, ss card). she smiled and said "nope, all you need is $20 and we can get you a brand new one." "but i don't have $20" i said exasperated. i had used the last of my cash on lunch and was depending on the checks that were now gone to help me out for the next little while. "I DO" dane chimed and he quickly handed me what i needed. with that, the woman took me to the front of the line and after i explained what happened to the guy behind the counter he printed me out a copy free of charge.

i went home in awe. stunned by the reality, yet again... (you'd think i would get used to it by now) that i have a Heavenly Father who is there to help me... who has not forgotten about me or forsaken me. who has promised "come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden; and i will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28) who in these small moments helps to shape my testimony so that i have the faith to say as it says in Psalms 55: 16-17, 22: "As for me, I will call upon God, and the Lord shall save me. Evening and morning and at noon i will pray, and cry aloud: and he shall hear my voice. Cast thy burden upon the Lord and he shall sustain thee. He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved."


Linda said...

i think i'm more rattled than you are with your recent events. You amaze me with your faith!! we need to talk soon. It's been like three days...

that dane.

Victoria said...

What a relief to have so much love around when chaos takes place; you amaze me- you are just that amazing!