Saturday, December 08, 2007

CHRISTMAS- part six
so yesterday i took russ to eadaville railroad for our date. i'd only been one time before, a long time ago, and i was reminded how magical this place was at christmastime. because it was raining (until it turned into snow), we ran for cover in the main building where we found a gift shop and little displays and even santa clause. in the corner of this little building- a TRAIN. we watched for a very long time as this model-locomotive made it's way around the tiny christmas village, before we went on an actual real-life-sized train to see the christmas lights.

instantly, i was reminded of my dad's christmas train.

(this is not an actual deming tree or train)

every year as my mom got out the decorations and we all gathered around in excitement at the arrival of the tree, my dad would busy himself with his train. i think it was only about 6 cars long and fairly large for a toy train, but oh how i loved hearing the sound it would make as it carted it's wares around and around our christmas tree.

i can still hear the sound the whistle would make or the way a computerized voice would call the passengers to board when you pushed a small button. i still remember the way we would lay on our stomachs and watch as it went around and around- a perfect opportunity to let my imagination conjure up stories about where the train had just come from and where it was headed. i can still hear the clanging of the tiny bell as it trudged along.

dear santa- i would like a toy train for christmas this year.