Tuesday, January 22, 2008

TAG, I'M IT!!!

i was tagged. and because i love vicki, i will do my duty and tell you all 7 random things about myself.

random 1- i hate all exo-skeletal type seafood. no thank you to crab, lobster and shrimp... the texture is just too boingy and evokes certain reflexes to heave forward... that is not good yet that makes me a cheap date!

random 2- i see faces in random things. no i don't see faces of people who are dead... but paint splatters, grains of wood, shadows cast on things... i can usually find somewhere on these things that look like faces. it's almost a favorite game of mine that i usually only play by myself.

random 3- in honor of this random's number i will give you the top 3 favorite things to snack on (these items make me happy at any time). 7 layer bean dip. hostess cherry pies (i have learned to like drakes, since they are cheaper). smart food popcorn.

random 4- my energy is like that of one of those wind-up toys. i start out with a lot and as i start to lose steam my brain doesn't fire off as fast as it should and i get extremely exhausted rather quickly.

random 5- i have watched all 9 hours of the lord of the rings extended trilogy. 3 hours per movie. 3 hours of behind the scenes movie action. i have no shame. and i would do it all again... if i could just find the bloody time!

random 6- remember how in the early to mid-nineties it was really popular to gather the hair from behind your ear and pull it up to the top of your head in a half pony tail and then make a massive bump just above your forehead... then aquanet? yeah i was pretty much the queen of this hairstyle. if it were in... i'd do my hair like that every day... and i'd still be queen. (i looked for a picture to prove this, but came up empty handed. i think my sister has all my pictures from this time-frame)

random 7- i HATE being around balloons. they freak me out. dead serious. i must have been totally freaked out by a popping balloon when i was a small child or something to account for the amount of panic i suffer through when i think that someone's going to pop a balloon around me. i know- i'm lame.


Victoria said...

thanks for responding to my tag, so fun to hear the random peggyisms. Oh and I am really excited for this new sitcom it could totally be the next seinfeld!

Rachel said...

I never knew you were freaked out by balloons. Hmm...I like it.

Reggs said...

Heya Peggy, I'm Danika's sister. I just happened to click on your link. You are FREAKIN' HILARIOUS!! Oh I totally rock the half-bump 'do. Balloons are kind of scary, but not as scary as clowns. Clowns are unpredictable and creepy. At any minute they could beat you on the head from behind with one of those gigantic clown shoes. Com'on Peggy, back me up on this one...

Timothy said...

Even your short story is way too long for me! x-(

kendall said...

For some reason this blog gives me the insane urge to go to Average Joe's with you and Natalie. I think I'd enjoy you with some nice bread and dipping sauce.

Andrea said...

I just want to say... Get you own boyfriend ok, you can't have mine! ;). In fact, I have one in mind for you. Let's chat.

Ohhhh, double dating friends!