Sunday, July 13, 2008


7 layer bean dip makes me more happy than christmas

oh and

if you eat a peanut butter m n m and a gummie worm at the same time, it tastes EXACTLY like a flinstone's vitamin... no joke.


Likely said...

How about if someone gives you 7 layer dip for Christmas? We did that one year -- gave a mini 7 layer dip with some chips and said feliz navidad.

Too bad I didn't know you yet, I could have rocked your world.

Colleen said...

we'll get strong and growing!!

haha, i still don't know the real words.

Victoria said...

I can concur the gummy worm and peanut butter m&m does in fact taste like a Flintstone vitamin - ENJOY!

Lady Bills said...

likely- DUDE how bout we get together for christmas this year and eat the dip together... that would make my whole world AWESOME!!

dear colleen, the words are as follows and i quote "10 million strong... and growing" but heck if i don't love you more for your version!

vicky- you have no idea how satisfying the look on your face was when the taste finally came together for you and you realized that i wasn't just whistling dixie- thank you for adding your personal testimony- it makes me feel complete!

Roger and Amy Ann Deming Family said...

You are a sick girl! Just kidding... I just never would think to combine PB M & M's with gummy worms! Hopefully your Christmas's get better if bean dip beats them for ya! :) We love our Peggy!!!!!!!!!