Monday, January 15, 2007



the other day the kids and i were driving along in the minivan, and having just picked them up from school, where they were discussing martin luther king, we began talking about him. one of the kids asked who he was and i began explaining (in the simplest way possible, so even russell [4 years old] would somewhat understand what a profound impact he had on this country) that mr. king was a very important man who wanted people of all colors and backgrounds to be equal.

"no he's not, peggy" russell interrupting from his car seat
"yes, russ... he is. anyway, as i was saying.."
"no, that's not who 'luther king' was" russell, getting adamant
"yes, russ he was (under my breath: okay mr 4 year old know it all). okay dude, then who was he?"
"miss alan knows all about him and she even taught us this song that goes... {singing} 'we shall overcome....' that song, peggy. and she says that 'luther king' was the man that wanted everyone to have ice."
"ICE???" i paused, totally perplexed... ice? he wanted everyone to have ice... "i don't get it russ."

then anna, after intently listening to this argument: "RIGHTS RUSSELL... he wanted everyone to have RIGHTS!" she rolls her eyes.

russell pauses to intake the difference in words... "oh, yeah... rights."

end scene.

as it turns out we were both right! what a great chance we have today to take a look back on our country's history, see the fallacies of old school thinking and remember amazing individuals who put their lives in danger to make changes. martin luther king, certainly is a man to be admired and more importantly listened to. so in that vein, i give you his address. you know the one... the one that's been quoted all over the world, the one that still brings people to their feet, the one that compelled U2 to write a song. yeah, it's always a good idea to visit our past and sit at the feet of those pioneers of freedom the way we see it today!


ju said...

freaking amazing. i love that you posted this. listening to it was the perfect way to spend my MLK evening, well, at least 10 minutes of it. :)