Monday, March 24, 2008


what message am i sending when i continue to change my mind on what my blog looks like?

the problem is that i get tired of the same old colors. sometimes i'm not even sure i was into the template when i picked it. then i look at other templates and think i like them better. then when i have made the switch... boom... i'm tired of the change already.

this creates a lot of problems in my world.
it creates extra work- now i have to re-add all of my links and such.

ummm... please don't be surprised if you see more changes on here... this is hard for me.


Andrea said...

I like variety too. Just can't stand the same 'ol same 'ol. If you want to link to me I'm


Lady Bills said...

andrea thank you for the corrected address to your website-- i had accidentally typed it in wrong and it took me to the wrongest person's site... now it's better and now my world is better!